Enjoy my latest By Divine Design Weekly Live Zoom Transmission entitled Drop Into The Ground of Being & Jump To Your Highest Possible Timeline.
This video is a guided meditation where I lead you via a Transmission that takes you on a journey:
Downward Descent
Drop into the Ground of Being: I guide you downwards deeper into Consciousness, clearing resistance to the concept of "down" and "darkness". I explain that "down" isn't necessarily bad, but rather a path to greater understanding.
Divine darkness: I emphasize that this "darkness" is a Divine darkness, a space of neutrality and purification where impurities are absorbed and your system is cleansed.
Letting go: You are encouraged to let go of fears, identities, and anything that doesn't serve you as you continue to descend deeper.
Ground of Being
Stillness and pressure: You reach a space of stillness and intense pressure, which transmutes your energy making it more resilient and dense.
Dissolution of boundaries: The boundaries of your physical and energetic self dissolve, allowing you to experience a state of oneness and direct awareness of the Ground of all Being.
Highest Possible Timeline
Release expectations: You are encouraged to release expectations about your life, timeline, and self as you are drawn further into the Ground of Being.
Diamond of your highest timeline: A brilliant diamond appears within your heart chakra, containing the programming for your highest possible timeline.
Reconfiguration: As you rise from the ground of being, your energy system is reconfigured around this highest timeline, affecting your mental, physical, emotional, and light bodies.
Gratitude and blessings: I express gratitude for your participation and wish you blessings as the Transmission concludes.
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