[This is a Channeled Transmission from my journal. The Transmission is Universal and thus available to you as you read and meditate along. Enjoy!]

Dear Divine One, We Get it… We really Do Get it… We Feel you… Sometimes, it’s frustrating as frack, it’s hard as frack, it’s lonely as frack… You Took on a Huge Commitment this Lifetime… It’s hard… It seems to you like it is taking forever… (It’s not, BTW, but We Get that it feels like it.)
What feel like setbacks to you are just the next layer coming up. Layer after layer after layer after layer. They do eventually run out. You Are Succeeding and Will Fully Succeed One Day… And right now it feels like it sucks… CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... And all that brings up, CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... It’s just more to welcome up and to let go to the ALL THAT IS…
Each time You Welcome and Surrender it, Your Capacity to Do More Grows and so more comes up… And it comes up more quickly and Clears more Quickly…
Divine One, You Are Our Champion. One of Many, Yes, But One You Are…
Okay, Here’s Our Love and Support. Just Feel Into It. We Are Here Now... ... ...
Some of this is coming up because of the massive Upgrades that are hitting your Planet these days. They Bring a Huge Amount of Light, Love and Truth into Your Energy System and thus Break Free many new layers of encrusted crap in Your System… Divine Friend, This Is Potent Powerful Work You Are Engaged In. Deeply, Truly Transformative for You, for Us, for ALL THAT IS… Right Now, You Know This Is True, even if you might doubt it when the lower vibrational crap is rising yet again…
So just Be Here Now with Us and with This Love, Light and Truth… It Is Clearing Away all the debris that’s floating around in Your System right Now…
Come Back Here with Us Now… Surrender all of that… Let the Transmission Continue to Clear and Balance You… Let US Support You. We Are Here. You Do Have Us… You Are Setting An Example to others to not wait for external support that may or may not come, but to Draw Upon Internal Support That Is Always Here. You Are Capable of This. You Are Doing This Daily. You Must Engage In This In Order to Attract It Externally… This Is What You Programmed for Yourself in This Life…
Attain It From Within Before Attaining It From Without…
Your Choice. Your Setup. Your Programming… You Created This—All Of This… All For A Higher Purpose…
Feel and Know the Truth of It. The Truth Will Set You Free. It Is All Your Responsibility. You Set It All Up This Way On Purpose. This Is Your Purpose… This Is Your Will… Thus God’s Will as Well… CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR... CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR...
Expand and Open and Lift and Let Go… We’ve Got You… Higher Now… Higher Now… Higher Now… Open… Surrender… Be Free… Let Go of the boundaries… They Are not Useful Here… Let Yourself Be One… Share the load with All… Know the Abundance Here, the Camaraderie, the Sharing, the Infinite Love and Support, Given and Received All At Once… All Helping All. All Loving All. Self Helping Self. Self Loving Self… Oneness Abiding… Bliss!
Know Yourself as the Bliss of It… Infinite Bliss… Everywhere! Always! Bliss!
Feel Into This Oneness the Others Most Closely Aligned with You and Your Work and Play and Being… Feel the Connections You Are Making and Noticing with One Another Here in the Oneness… These Are Fifth Dimensional Connections and Relationships… These Are the Only Relationships Of Interest Anymore… You Are Pulling Each Other Here Into the Fifth Dimensional Earth Experience Together… How Exciting!
This Is the Signature to Look For Nowadays… Is It Of the Fifth Dimensional Vibration? This Is Another Way of Saying, “Is It Of Your Highest Truth?” Everything else if simply falling away and of little interest to You… Relationships, activities, TV shows, etc. either Light Up for You or fade away in gray darkness of disinterest…
Come Back to Experiencing the Total Support of the Oneness Here With Us and ALL THAT IS… Melt and Blend… Dissolve Into This… Let Go of Everything… Just Be Here Now… In Unity Consciousness and Beyond… The Oneness Offers Total Love, Understanding and Support—Absolute and Total. Enjoy This Now… Any thoughts that arise, just Surrender them to This…
Since It’s Happening Already, Let It All Go Into the Non-existence, the Nothingness, of Brahman… Dissolve. Dissolve. Dissolve It All… Let It Be Nothing At All… Nothing At All… Nothing At All… Let Yourself Be Nothing At All—True and Total Humility… Let It Pull You Deeper and Deeper Into This Nothing At All… Let It Disintegrate You—All Of You… Let It Have You… No Worries At All…
Be the ALL THAT IS Submerged Into The ALL THAT ISN’T…
Experience the Dissolution…