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Moving Beyond Timelines [Channeled Transmission]

Hey, Guys! What Now?

We Are Here, Dear One. Be Here With Us Now… 

We Are Pulling You To Your Highest Potential For This Moment… We Are Moving Beyond Timelines that imply something remaining stable and consistent beyond this Moment. Instead We Are Focusing On Your Highest Potential In This Moment. Everything is Shifting and Changing so Fast These Days that the Timeline Metaphor Is Losing Meaning. So We Are Dropping It. Timelines Are Shifting Every Moment These Days, These Moments. So much so that they simply no longer make much sense… Your Highest Potential In This Moment, and Now In This Moment, and Now In This Moment—This Will Be Our Focus From Here On Out…

You used to be able to make some predictions for a year out or at least a month out. This ability is rapidly dissolving. The Future Is Just Too Variable Now to Predict even probabilities. Let them Go… They Aren’t Needed Anyhow… 

Not only predictions that stir fear in mind and body but all predictions can be allowed to dissolve and clear away… 

We are no longer jumping from timeline to timeline but We Are Jumping From One Best Moment to the Next Best Moment… Let the concept of timelines fall away… At most, they are Moment-Lines… Lines of Moments Upon Which You May Step Up Ever Higher, Experience Yourself As Ever More, Know It All As It Truly Is and Is Becoming…

In the 5th Dimension, Time Is Still Here But It Plays Differently. It’s a Seasoning Added When It Makes the Stew Taste Better… And It’s Optional… And thus It Is Becoming More and More Optional In Your Everyday Life Now… 

What is this weird twitch or spasm I am experiencing in the ring finger of my left hand right now? It spasms and then goes back to rest, spasms and rests, like a short-circuit of some sort in my nervous system. What’s going on here? How does this get better and better?

Oh, Most Dear One, yes, a tremor, on and off again, in your physical system, here and there. For you it is that damaged ulnar nerve you’ve dealt with for decades—a left over of some karma you carried into this lifetime… Mildly annoying, sure, but not really of any consequence. The nervous system is being Upgraded with all the Work and Play We Are Doing Within Your Energy System. It Will Override these old karmas and physical symptoms soon enough. No need to focus any attention on it. Healing and Clearing Is Already In Process Given All You Are Already Doing… It Will Work itself Out in Time… When physical symptoms like this show up, don’t be too concerned. Notice the emotions it triggers and Let them Go. Notice any concern that shows up and Let it Go… This Clears any remaining karma whether personal, or more likely for you, the Collective karma You Took On To Clear in this Lifetime. Your Overall Trajectory Is Up and Up—these physical anomalies Are Being Tended To Naturally. Your Body-Being Knows How To Heal and Upgrade…

And what about other things like my finances, my next home (since I will need to move out of this one sometime this year), my next car (since I already sold my last one), my overall physical fitness and health, my relationships including the Soul Mate I feel is close? Should I be taking time to visualize them in Real Time? Somehow, to do so seems like it would be tiring and possibly simply unneeded, especially since You’ve Told me that They Are All Destined Already and I couldn’t not Manifest Them if I tried… 

We Love It When You Answer Your Own Questions. We Confirm, All These Issues and Items Are Already Destined to Show Up As They Do. You Can’t Miss Them. You Can’t Not Experience Their Manifestation. So There Is No Need to Visualize Them Unless That Simply Feels Fun to Do in the Moment. If It Feels Fun to Visualize and More Importantly Feel Your Lover In Bed With You Spooning, Do So and Enjoy. He Is Here For You Now In Essence As You Are For Him. But there’s no need to believe you need to do this in order to draw Him into Your Life. Do It If It Feels Fun, If It’s An Expression of Enjoyment. Not as a way to manifest It. The Manifestation Is Already Happening By Virtue of Your Divine Process Moment By Moment. Just Letting Yourself Be Here Now!


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